Last day,finally! for classes only meh. I've got 2 more weeks in PMC then struggling with THE FINAL. I cant belive matriculation session almost over. Macam baru daftar semalam (hiperbola sahaja).
Agak sedih bila nak tinggalkan PMC. There are so many bitter sweetness in here. Best classmates i've had so far. Never i thought in my my life will end up being friend with THE CLASSMATE AWESOME! Last Friday was our last mentor mentee session with my mentor, Miss Mimi Malini. Dia sangatlah cool and calm orangnya. Most important thing, sangat SPORTING!!!
not to forget CLASSMATES AWESOME! yang kadang kadang kurang matang bak kata ketua praktikum, Gbam!
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Tak cukup sorang! |
Ok, seriously being here memang rasa macam best sangat sangat. If others told u that matriculation adalah sesuatu yang menempah maut. I guess, orang tu memang S*^&R! One more thing (actually there are more), mana korang nak dapat ketua yang best dan penyayang (tipu) macam mak korang sendiri?? Kalo dulu asyik nak sepak terajang je ketua kelas! (that's me)
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Ini Gbam a.k.a Ketua Praktikum K3P1 |
My 3Abdul's buddies! |
Our ceti yang sangat comel!! |
| That all for now! I cant take it anymore (tengah nangis)! bye semua.... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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