Prepare to be shocked to all the smokers!

Anda suka hisap 'shisha'? Suka, suka? I knew the fact, not all the 'shisha' smokers are the REAL smokers.

I nak bagi tau berita yang all the 'shisha' lover will shocked! According to the news that I watched just now on TV, kalau hisap shisha ibaratnya korang hisap 50 batang rokok! More worst, kalau kongsi paip shisha tuh boleh menyebabkan jankitan kuman kat badan korang. Nah, for the smokers just QUIT!

Bukan lah kalau dah tak boleh hisap shisha, korang boleh hisap rokok betul pulak. Oh, just stop it! Memang gila la nama dia tuh. At the end, dia punya effect sama sajalah. Apa, hisap 'shisha' nih sedap sangat ke? Macam makan pasta italiano heh?

Tau tak semu tobacco yang korang hisap tuh boleh menyebabkan korang sakit. Even worst, sakit yang memang sengsara, ok! Trust me, I had an uncle who just got heart problems dieseas just because of the STUPID tobacco.

If you guys don't believe what I'm saying now, Well you can google it. Or you can click this to read more about the risks of smoking shisha.

Tata for now! xoxo.


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