Last entry for 2010

This will be my last entry.... for this year 2010. this year will the most best year i guess iever had. you see that what you felt after you fin your school. lol! but it's really does happen, you know! best part is it's your last year of school and the classmates.

You guys are the best things that i ever known. Walaupun kadang kadang kiteorang tak sependapat but kiteorang still dapat buat kerja sama sama sampai jadi COOL sangat! yeah, that's called teamwork. APA YANG PENTING?? KERJASAMA. then to all the sanggarian a.k.a pelakon teater 2009, korang dah retired ke?!
Hah, to all my betrayers i hope you you guy's will success in the future. walaupun i tak balas balik tapi Tuhan yang tolong balaskan untuk korang. so, insaflah. cermin diri tuh cukup cukup before nak kenekan orang.
Btw, i tak ade azam yang specific for year 2011. but i hope dapat sambung belajar balik and continue my azam 2010 yang tak habis tercapai lagi. tata for now,bye bye 2010. xoxo! 


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