best friends 4 eva!!

Well basicly since i already finish a month from my high school world, i'm kinda miss my whole entrire classmate. They're the best thing that i've ever had. Not other than people in 4 setia '09 and 5 setia '10. walaupung, ade sesetengah classmate yang macam ** sahaja tapi yang lain tetap best. 
hei, this is my bff for entire world. totally miss her a lot. kiteorang jadi classmate since darjah 1 lagi. first time jumpe die, i thought she kinda belagak but seriously die nih ok la orang die. kiteorang duduk sama sama since darjah 1 jugak. hahaha! the bes thing about her, die tak kisah langsung orang nak cakap apa pon pasal die. and best part is memang die akan backup 100% bf dalam kesusahan. btw, name die Aishah (lupe pulak :P)

next is my best buddy i ever met. Nashue is cool and Sareenia a.k.a babethebrain. hahaha! nashu pon myclassmate since darjah 1 but naik je form 1 dah kene tukar klas sebab die amek arab ( budak yang amek arab kene asing kelas ). Lama jugak la kenal die nih, coz' her father is my dad friend. so kiteorang kenal b'coz of that facts. die nih very funny orangnye. selamber giler tahap kipas rosak. hahaha! memang senang nak tolerate dengan die nih. yang paling penting die memang gile dgn 'Gossip Girl'. samo la dengan den! (sanyang ko nashu ) hahahaha! Sareenia is the name that i never forget. with her help, i finally can managed to handle unloyal friends ( so called kawan baik ko ). die memang la sangat baik. suke tolong kawan dalam kesusahan memang susah nak cari kawan macam die nih nowdays. kalo ade pon macam 'habis madu seoah dibuang' ( aiyoyo! ) last time, i remember bile i menangis sebab kene tikam belakang dengan so called bf, die yang tolong tenangkan i. let's reveal the truth, kiteorang memang rapat since form 1. kalo nak pegi mane mane mesti i pegi dengan die. coz' kiteorang sama jadi prefect. WHATEVER it is, i will never forget her. i love u so much babe! ( as friend ok! )

yang nih time tunggu diva diva yang datang lambat untuk photoshoot
senior page 5 setia. hahahaha!
so yang tak mention dalam nih bukan la tak baik. kalo nak jugak tulis name korang sendiri BESAQ BESAQ okie? whatver it is korang semua memang best! muaaaaaahh! tata for now :)
p/s : all this pics had been taken from Nashu fb. sorry, babe! camera aku ade probs sket.


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